IAC News Summary
Imagine A Change News only writes news on important, interesting, or uplifting topics that focus on facts and relevant thought on those topics from expert and influential entities in their respective fields.
We don’t write editorial or opinion pieces. All articles are about understanding the facts and key aspects of how issues are being framed concerning activities around the world. All quotes and writing should be related to the facts to help inform readers about the news. In addition to one’s opinion, IAC News will not post feuds or other irrelevant discussions that distract the public from the relevant story.
Volunteer and Donor Recognition
All volunteers and donors will be recognized for their cherished support of our mission. Volunteer editors, writers, technology, and support staff are recognized for all they do to support Imagine A Change.
Volunteer Search
Writers/Editors – we’re looking for volunteer writers and editors who can help us find and publish content on our website about current relevant events. Volunteers must be able to commit at least 8 hours a week.
Editors are tasked with managing the content in their assigned news area(s), assigning articles to writers, and editing the articles for online publishing.
Website design, board members, and other volunteers with special skills and abilities are also welcome to help our mission!
Article Writing Requirements
Effective writing is simple and clear. Remove all unnecessary words.
News articles should be 550 words minimum. APA style. Use active voice and ensure you setup MS word to check for appropriate grammar and spelling.
Once a current topic is found. Find the best original sources and discover how they fit together. Copies or re-writes of existing articles are NOT accepted and considered plagiarism.
Each article should be a HARD news story and should only gather the facts from what key people have said or done about that topic in recent time. We need to inform readers about what happened and what are the major ideas around the topic presented. Finding current news, and then supporting it with other recent and specifically related facts and thought on the topic is essential to providing our readers with more pertinent context and information.
If we present the facts and find that a certain prominent group has an opinion on the topic, we should present at least one other prominent group’s opinion.
How to write a news article: http://www.wikihow.com/Write-a-Hard-News-Article
Proper Hard News Sample: http://jerz.setonhill.edu/writing/journalism1/journalism-writing-the-hard-news-story/
- Headline
- Short and sweet
- Byline
- Name of Author and Date
- Lead
- Placeline
- Lead
- Why is this important to readers?
- Most important info
- Introduction to topic
- Answering most of the 5Ws
- Body
- Supporting Quotes
- Supporting Facts
Acceptance Review – Editor’s Check
- No personal opinion?
- Headline matches article?
- Answers who, what, where, when, why and how?
- Enough detail (approx 550-750 words)?
- Quotations or Facts referenced?
- Third person narration?
- Proper spelling and grammar?
- Proper organization and formatting?
Thank you for your support, we look forward to working with you and appreciate all you do for our organization in donating your time and resources.
Email us at staff@imagineachange.org with the following information:
- Full Name
- City, State
- Editor/Writer – Let us know if you’re good at selecting news articles and editing, or if you’d like to only write articles. Editor time commitments are more substantial and have more responsibility.
- Reason you think this volunteer opportunity is a good fit for you.