Brief Summary

Imagine A Change (IAC) is a nonprofit charitable organization that strives to help the community by providing quality hard news unbiased and neutral content to the general public, focusing on the United States and other world events. We locate primary sources and write news stories for users so they can digest the main points of the story and important contributing ideas from all angles.

By improving the general public’s understanding of current events without the bias of private interests, our literary charity can help:

  1. improve the common welfare and well-being of the community,
  2. increase civic participation,
  3. and combat community deterioration.

The Board of Directors do not receive any financial benefit from the organization, and all donations and revenue generated goes toward our mission. The organization does not attempt to influence any legislation, advocate for any cause, or support any political party or candidate.


Provide the public with unbiased and neutral hard news current events content.

Corporation Status

Imagine A Change is a tax-exempt nonprofit charitable organization registered in Maryland. We operate for the improvement of the general welfare of all Americans.

Federal 501(c)(3) Nonprofit Charitable Status

IAC is currently applying for a tax-exempt charitable 501(c)(3) status with the IRS (as of October 14, 2017). Additional updates will be posted as we move forward. Donations are not yet federally tax-deductible until this status is achieved.

Donation and Volunteers

All donations are used to support our mission. We couldn’t survive with the donation and volunteer time and support that we receive from those that care so much about our mission. We have two types of donations and volunteers there are current (1) and lifetime (2) donor and volunteer classes.

Current volunteer and donor classes are those that are currently volunteering or donating monthly at a certain level. Lifetime volunteers and donors have reached a certain amount of donations or volunteering over time that has amounted to a substantial contribution to the organization.

To read more about our very important donors, please see more here.


Coming Soon.

Board of Directors

Coming Soon.